The Rxi-PAH GC columns were designed by Restek with a higher phenyl-content stationary phase that provides unique selectivity to separate important polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) for food safety that cannot be distinguished by mass spectrometry. Even difficult priority compounds, such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) PAH4, are easily separated and accurately quantified—results that cannot be achieved on typical GC columns. Arylene modification and surface bonding of the stationary phase increase thermal stability and ruggedness so relatively nonvolatile, higher molecular weight PAHs can be analyzed routinely without interference from column bleed. Excellent column efficiency means that the column can be trimmed for maintenance purposes many times without losing critical PAH separations, including those that are part of food safety testing. The selectivity and efficiency of the Rxi-PAH column make it ideal for EFSA PAH4 analysis; chrysene/triphenylene separation and resolution of all benzofluoranthenes are easily achieved.
cat.#: Description
49316: Narrow inside diameter, thinner film, faster analysis, excellent separation of important PAHs, less sample loading capacity
49317: 0.25 mm inner diameter, better sample loading capacity, highest resolution of important PAHs, longer analysis than 0.18 mm column, thin film allows elution of dibenzo pyrenes
49318: 0.25 mm inside diameter, better sample loading capacity, faster analysis time than 60 m column, adequate resolution of important PAHs, lower cost column