Are PFAS sticking in your system? PFAS分析の交差汚染防止ガイド:サンプル採取から溶媒の取り扱いまで
16 Apr 2020Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are ubiquitous in our society and can be found in a wide range of consumer products; hence they are widely present in the environment, people and animals. They are persistent chemicals that have the potential to accumulate. Therefore, they are evaluated and monitored using a variety of methods and controlled by numerous regulations. Due to its every-where presence, it is no wonder they end up in our samples, systems or chemicals elevating our results and making us waste numerous hours searching for contamination to get the analysis to pass. Where do they come from? What are some of the most overlooked sources of contamination? How to avoid those false positives? ペルおよびポリフルオロアルキル化合物(PFAS)は、環境や人体、動物に至るまで、社会に広範囲に存在します。加えてPFASは残留性を持ち、蓄積される可能性も高いため、多くの規定に沿った厳格な監視と評価が求められています。PFASはサンプルやシステムにも混入している可能性があるため、分析結果において意図しない汚染(コンタミ)を引き起こし、時に偽陽性を生じさせる原因となることも少なくありません。では、PFASはどこに存在しているのでしょう?最も見落としがちなコンタミの発生源とは?どうすれば偽陽性は防げるのでしょうか?
To abate the cross-contamination with PFAS, follow your sample journey from the sampling to the chromatogram on your screen. Just assure the samples never come in contact with material made or, coated with PFAS, which can be often easier said than done.
Sample collecting: サンプル採取時の注意点(以降書き方を変えています)
- Avoid LDPE bottles, clothing containing polytetrafluoroethylene (such as water-resistant coats or stain repellent clothing), waterproof notebooks, plastic clipboards, stick it note pads, permanent markers, or reusable ice packs (blue ice).
Instead, for sampling use HDPE (high-density polyethylene) and polypropylene bottles and label the sample after the sampling. Some labs offer pre-screened sampling bottles.
・ LDPE(低密度ポリエチレン)ボトル、ポリテトラフルオロエチレン(PTFE)を含む衣類(撥水加工された服や防水コートなど)
・ 防水ノート、プラスチック製クリップボード、貼り付け式メモパッド、油性マーカー、再利用可能なアイスパック(ブルーアイス)など
・ サンプリングに、HDPE(高密度ポリエチレン)製やポリプロピレン製のボトルの使用
・ サンプリング後、ラベルの貼付
・ ラボによっては、事前にスクリーニングされたサンプリングボトルの使用(意訳です)
Sample preparation: サンプル前処理での注意点
- Avoid glass transfer pipettes, vial caps with PTFE seals and even some glass HPLC vials (PFAS has been known to absorb to glass when it has been in contact for an extended period of time. Glass bottles or containers can be used if they are known to be PFAS-free). Who would have thought aluminum foil has a nonstick coat? Avoid wearing sunscreens/insect repellents, fabric softener, moisturizers and lab coats (stain-resistant). Avoid washing glassware with detergents that haven’t been tested for PFAS presence.
Instead, handle samples with materials that are made from rubber, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics, and polyurethane. Wear lab coats made from cotton and nitrile gloves. Use polypropylene HPLC vials, caps (Cat.#: 23244) and disposable pipette tips (polypropylene). Hand wash all glassware.
An effective tip for all methods using SPE manifold is after analyzing SPE samples, all reusable parts should be washed with acetonitrile and sonicated for ~10 minutes to avoid cross-contamination.
・ ガラス製トランスファーピペット、PTFEシール付きバイアルキャップ、一部のガラス製HPLCバイアルなど
・ アルミホイル(ノンスティックコーティングされているため)
・ 日焼け止め/防虫剤、柔軟剤、保湿剤、防汚加工された白衣
・ PFASフリーであることを検査していない洗剤(ガラス器具を洗浄する際に使用しない)
・ポリプロピレン製HPLCバイアル、キャップ(Cat.#: 23244)、ポリプロピレン製使い捨てピペット尖端の使用
Instrumentation: 分析装置におけるPFASの影響
- Avoid all PTFE tubing, PTFE frits, and sample valves with certain rotor seal or stator face. Be aware that when your LC-MS/MS system has been sitting overnight or extended time frame the first few injections will show a high level of PFAS due to the buildup of residual PFAS in the system.
Instead, replace all tubing with PEEK tubing or stainless steel in your system to avoid system-related interferences. You can find kits specifically designed for PFAS analysis from individual instrument companies (sometimes this can be costly and not feasible). A great option is to add a PFAS Delay Column (Cat.#: 27854) after the mixing chamber to trap system-related PFAS. Please see "PFAS Analysis- Why a Delay Column is Important" video and the blog: "Eliminate the Impact of Instrument-Related PFAS interferences by Using a Delay Column" to help explain the importance. Before starting the analysis condition your analytical column (Raptor C18, (Cat.#: 9304A52) for methods such as US EPA 533, US EPA 537.1, ISO 21675:2019, ASTM D7968-17A, ASTM D7979-19, DIN 38407-42 and many more) with 20-30 column volumes. Refer to our "PFAS LC column anatomy" article to help with column selection. Execute 3-4 injections of high organic solvent (acetonitrile) while running your method to flush out any residual PFAS in your injector.
システム由来のPFAS干渉を最小限に抑えるために、システムのチューブをPEEK(ポリエーテルエーテルケトン)チューブやステンレススチールに交換(コストが高く現実的ではない場合もありますが、各社が出しているPFAS分析に特化したキットを使用して)してください。ミキシングチャンバーの後にPFASディレイカラム(Cat.#: 27854)を追加して、システムに関連するPFASをトラップするのも良い方法です。分析を開始する前に、分析カラム(US EPA 533, US EPA 537.1, ISO 21675:2019, ASTM D7968-17A, ASTM D7979-19, DIN 38407-42等のメソッド用のRaptor C18, (Cat.#: 9304A52))を20-30カラム容量で平衡化します。メソッド実行中に高有機溶媒(アセトニトリル)を3~4回注入し、インジェクタに残留しているPFASを洗い流してください。
・カラム選択については、「PFAS分析用のLC カラムには、どの固定相、サイズ、粒子径が最適か?」の記事をご参照ください。
Solvents: 溶媒の取り扱いとPFASコンタミ防止
- A part of the system that is often overlooked when searching for PFAS contamination is the mobile phase. Many HPLC and LC-MS/MS grade mobile phases (water, acetonitrile, and methanol) use PTFE filters before they are bottled by the company. Bottle caps could have PTFE lining.
Prior to analysis all sample contact consumables and materials should be screened for PFAS contamination including the water used for mobile phase. Our researchers discovered that utilizing Type 1 water was effective, even with minimal levels of PFAS contamination. Additionally, having a Delay column (Cat.#: 27854) in place during the analysis process will be efficient for the mobile phase. It is essential to test the solvents employed for sample preparation, including sample blanks and field blanks. Prefiltering the water may be necessary in this case.
さらに、分析のプロセス中にディレイカラム(Cat.#: 27854)を使用するのは移動相中のPFASをトラップするのに有益です(意訳です)。また、サンプルブランクやフィールドブランクを含む、サンプル調製に使用する溶媒のテストは不可欠で、超純水をプレフィルタリングすることも必要です。
The most influential part to avoid contamination in PFAS analysis is to have a designated system, mobile phase, and materials that you know are PFAS-free. Any time you introduce a new part/solvent to the analysis test to make sure it is clean of PFAS. Good lab practice is always your friend.