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Is Inert LC Column Hardware Beneficial for Pesticide or Mycotoxin Analysis?

20 Aug 2024

For some years now, the development departments of high-pressure liquid chromatography companies have been dealing with the question of what influence the surfaces of the instrument and component hardware can have on peak shape and sensitivity in the detection of polar, chelating molecules. Biomolecules in particular, with their complex acid/base properties, but also compounds such as glyphosate and AMPA, with their organophosphate groups, show that the surface properties of the components in the sample path have a decisive influence on peak shape and sensitivity.

Recently, Restek developed a inert LC column line to address this issue more efficiently and effectively than short-term solutions, such as priming or medronic acid deactivation. Reports from several independent laboratories indicate that these new columns can offer substantial benefits for pesticides and mycotoxins analysis.

In June 2024, Maria Antonietta Carrera from the Department of Desertification and Geo-ecology, Experimental Station of Arid Zones in Almeria, under the supervision of Amadeo Fernandez-Alba from the European Union Reference Laboratory for Pesticide Residues in Fruit & Vegetables (EURL-FV), published a remarkable paper on "Simultaneous analysis of pesticides and mycotoxins in primary processed foods: The case of bee pollen", in which she compared a column commonly used for routine analysis of the analytes under consideration with a Raptor Inert ARC-18 column from Restek.

In her publication she describes “As reported in Fig. 3, no substantial differences were revealed by this test, since almost the same number of compounds could be detected at a concentration of 1 μg/kg with both columns. However, by looking at peaks obtained for about 15 % of analytes at 1 μg/kg, it was possible to notice a visible improvement in the peak shape (Fig. 4) when using the Raptor Inert column. This particular feature can be sometimes decisive for the identification of the analytes in real samples.”

Please find the full publication here: 

In addition to influential labs, such as EURL, that assess the application of new analytical developments within their specific fields, method developers in instrument companies must ensure that the performance statement about their devices is not countered by poor chromatography, for which they bear no responsibility.

LCTech GmbH has made a name for itself in automated sample preparation for the analysis of mycotoxins, PFAS, and other multicomponent analyte panels. Frederik Wuppermann, Product Manager Biotechnology at LCTech, describes his experience with the inert columns in mycotoxin analysis as follows.

"The separation of aflatoxin B1, G1, B2, G2, OTA, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, T2, H-T2, fumonisin B1 and B2 after CrossTOX cleanup in high-throughput mycotoxin analysis was very good. The shorter conditioning times were also very beneficial. I can certainly also imagine the Inert Biphenyl column as an alternative for other applications."

In addition to these independent reports, Restek has assessed the impact of the new inert LC columns on pesticides and mycotoxins. We selected these groups of analytes because they include a variety of diverse compound chemistries and are often analyzed together in multi-class screening analyses. In such screening analyses, it is very important to ensure reliable identification and quantification of the individual components at trace levels (low LOQs), and an inert LC column can help with this by providing proper peak shape and good sensitivity. For both groups, we selected an appropriate stationary phase, analyzed the target compounds on both conventional LC columns and the new inert LC columns, and compared the chromatographic results. Here are our findings.


For this experiment, we compared a Raptor Inert ARC-18 column to a standard Raptor ARC-18 column. Pesticides analysis can be challenging because these panels typically contain a wide variety of compound chemistries. Phosphorylated, acidic, polar compounds, and/or metal chelating species, such as organophosphate pesticides, can react to the metal surfaces inside standard, stainless-steel analytical columns, which can degrade chromatographic performance. In contrast, the deactivated hardware in Restek’s inert LC columns significantly improved chromatographic results (Figures 1-2, Table I).

Figure 1: Analysis of pesticides on a Raptor Inert ARC-18 column without any preconditioning.

PeakstR (min)Precursor IonProduct Ion 1Product Ion 2Peak AreaPeak Height
9.Mevinphos isomer 12.55241.9126.9192.9311274129961
10.Mevinphos isomer 22.76241.9126.9192.97403029802
13.Dimethomorph isomer 13.96388.2300.9165.1511766172977
14.Dimethomorph isomer 24.13388.2300.9165.1877031328826
ColumnRaptor Inert ARC-18 (cat.# 9314A12-T)
Dimensions:100 mm x 2.1 mm ID
Particle Size:2.7 µm
Pore Size:90 Å
Temp.:50 °C
Standard/SampleLC multiresidue pesticide standard #1 (cat.# 31972)
Diluent:Water, 0.1% formic acid
Conc.:1 ng/mL
Inj. Vol.:5 µL
Mobile Phase
A:Water, 2 mM ammonium formate, 0.1% formic acid
B:Methanol, 2 mM ammonium formate, 0.1% formic acid
Time (min)Flow (mL/min)%A%B
DetectorShimadzu LCMS-8060
Ion Mode:ESI+
InstrumentShimadzu Nexera X2


Figure 2: Compared to standard LC columns, Raptor Inert LC columns provide increased peak area and height for pesticides.





Table I: Pesticide peak areas and heights were up to 2X higher on Raptor Inert LC columns compared to standard columns.

Compound Peak Area Peak Height
Stainless Steel Inert Areas Ratio (Inert/Stainless Steel) Stainless Steel Inert Height Ratio (Inert/Stainless Steel)
Methamidophos 254969 428941 1.68 52553 105189 2.00
Acephate 168776 300642 1.78 58418 104729 1.79
Omethoate 579502 892008 1.54 216157 337690 1.56
Monocrotophos 140095 215810 1.54 51402 78425 1.53
Dicrotophos 340978 404916 1.19 135380 159292 1.18
Dimethoate 461156 807805 1.75 188746 342939 1.82
Trichlorfon 84233 173942 2.07 34793 63266 1.82
Vamidothion 913264 1333829 1.46 354311 547308 1.54
Mevinphos isomer 1 213632 311274 1.46 82105 129961 1.58
Mevinphos isomer 2 56093 74030  1.32 29070 29802 1.03 
Carbaryl 43590 39671 0.91 14563 11924 0.82
Isocarbophos 21587 33294 1.54 9062 11941 1.32
Dimethomorph isomer 1 462425 511766 1.11 166990 172977 1.04
Dimethomorph isomer 2 896109 877031 0.98  311657 328826 1.06 
Temephos 98793 164310 1.66 35383 64751 1.83



In addition to pesticides analysis, we also wanted to test whether using an inert LC column could improve results for mycotoxins analysis. Because mycotoxins are reactive compounds that can have acidic, polar, or metal-chelating groups, extensive column conditioning and equilibration is often required to obtain adequate chromatography. For these experiments, we used columns with a Biphenyl stationary phase for optimal selectivity. The results shown in Figures 3-4 and Table II clearly demonstrate that peak shape and response for mycotoxins can also be improved by using an inert column.

Figure 3: Raptor Inert Biphenyl columns provide excellent peak shape for mycotoxins without additional acid passivation or mobile phase additives.

PeakstR (min)Conc.
Precursor IonProduct Ion Peak AreaPeak Height
1.Nivalenol 0.8810295.1137.1418264495
6.Tenuazonic acid4.1110198.1125.047828197658
12.Fumonisin B15.4810722.5352.31228782415567
19.Fumonisin B36.2310706.4336.21433023444421
21.Fumonisin B26.5910706.4336.21517193869822
25.Aflatoxin G26.9710331.2189.02628245274353
29.Aflatoxin G17.4510329.1199.73043896102959
31.Alternariol monomethylether7.6210273.0199.131024640689
32.Aflatoxin B27.6310315.1287.02956485724754
33.Aflatoxin B18.0210313.2241.12235204425821
34.Ochratoxin A8.2510404.1239.01900604411953
ColumnRaptor Inert Biphenyl (cat.# 9309A12-T)
Dimensions:100 mm x 2.1 mm ID
Particle Size:2.7 µm
Pore Size:90 Å
Temp.:60 °C
Standard/SampleAflatoxins standard (cat.# 34121)
Ochratoxin A standard (cat.# 34122)
Diluent:50:50 Water:methanol
Conc.:10 ng/mL
Inj. Vol.:5 µL
Mobile Phase
A:Water, 0.05% formic acid
B:Methanol, 0.05% formic acid
Time (min)Flow (mL/min)%A%B
Max Pressure:440 bar
DetectorWaters Xevo TQ-S
Ion Mode:ESI+
InstrumentWaters ACQUITY UPLC I-Class


Figure 4: Substantial increases in peak area and height were seen for fumonisins when using a Raptor Inert Biphenyl column.





Table II: For mycotoxins, peak height increased up to 10X and peak area increased up to 6X when using a Raptor Inert Biphenyl column compared to a standard column.

Compound Peak Area Peak Height
Stainless Steel Inert Areas Ratio (Inert/Stainless Steel) Stainless Steel Inert Height Ratio (Inert/Stainless Steel)
Fumonisin B1 32578 122878 3.77 399544 2415567 6.05
Fumonisin B2 23427 151719 6.48 383130 3869822 10.10
Fumonisin B3 29864 143302 4.80 472279 3444421 7.29
Ergocristine 171197 195562 1.14 3865898 4450058 1.15
Ergocristinine 1393116 1583053 1.14 29212317 32975663 1.13
Ergotamine 433635 493003 1.14 8149518 9274156 1.14
Ergotaminine 397370 462119 1.16 7885403 9237991 1.17
Ergocryptine 446481 522204 1.17 9671753 11360839 1.17
Ergocryptinine 658788 778972 1.18 13680420 16765348 1.23
Ergocornine 370509 387025 1.04 7248981 7732744 1.07
Ergocorninine 590167 704029 1.19 12052359 14389283 1.19
Ergosine 445243 486620 1.09 8630932 9366602 1.09
Ergosinine 439026 496734 1.13 7820785 8740527 1.12
T-2 43286 56535 1.31 1046233 1394735 1.33
HT-2 10183 15221 1.49 216703 323765 1.49
Tentoxin 70973 95175 1.34 1577164 2131907 1.35
Ochratoxin 173686 190060 1.09 4039682 4411953 1.09
Diacetoxyscirpenol 47850 68139 1.42 846403 1208826 1.43
Fusarenone X 3865 7668 1.98 60409 121790 2.02
15-acetyl-DON 17055 31369 1.84 269862 517570 1.92
3-acetyldeoxyvinalenol 13353 22613 1.69 179204 296396 1.65
Aflatoxin G2 171597 262824 1.53 3429501 5274354 1.54
Aflatoxin G1 224058 304389 1.36 4607959 6102959 1.32
ZON 25617 37162 1.45 656915 927455 1.41
Aflatoxin B2 159389 295648 1.85 3462489 5724754 1.65
Aflatoxin B1 265935 223520 0.84 5335576 4425821 0.83
Alpha-zearalenol 16202 30224 1.87 382092 702420 1.84
Deoxynivalenol 6935 17346 2.50 117927 281906 2.39
Nivalenol 1790 4182 2.34 25276 64495 2.55
Altenuene 63224 113850 1.80 1187958 2059700 1.73
Alternariol monomethyl ether 19537 31024 1.59 428922 640689 1.49
Alternariol 48204 73272 1.52 837410 1302192 1.56
Citrinin 499900 1007880 2.02 5031182 9828890 1.95
Tenuazonic acid 21503 47828 2.22 89293 197658 2.21


While our pesticides and mycotoxins experiments showed that columns made with inert hardware can improve chromatographic performance, the independent results from Carrera and Wuppermann are even more compelling. Based on the experiences of these well-regarded scientists, in addition to our own testing, it seems clear that Restek’s Inert LC columns have many potential benefits to laboratories analyzing pesticides and mycotoxins. It will be interesting to see what other analyses may be improved as well!