Looking for our LPGC content? Look no further!
14 Jan 2025With our recent LPGC expansion, there’s quite a lot of new and updated materials and chromatograms on our website. In this blog post I’d like to provide links to all of those.
Introduction Materials
- An Introduction to Low-Pressure GC-MS (LPGC-MS) (GNAR3505C-UNV)
- Quick-Start Guide to LPGC (GNAR4241A-UNV)
- Frequently Asked Questions Low-Pressure GC-MS (LPGC-MS) (GNOT3511B-UNV)
- Pesticides in Food by LPGC-MS (FSFA3504B-UNV)
- Nitrosamines by LPGC-MS (GNFA4240A-UNV)
- Alkylfurans by LPGC-MS (GNFA4238A-UNV)
- Phthalates by LPGC-MS (GNFA4234A-UNV)
- Arylamines (Azodyes) by LPGC-MS (GNFA4235-UNV)
- Fluorotelomer alcohols by LPGC-MS (EVFA4311-UNV)
Blog Posts
- LPGC - Fast way to your pesticide analysis!
- Using LPGC to Speed Up Pesticide Analysis in Cannabis Products
- Flow considerations for LPGC analysis
- Low-Pressure Gas Chromatography Analysis of Cannabis Terpenes
- Low-Pressure Gas Chromatography Analysis of Cannabinoid Neutrals
Looking just for the chromatograms?
- Comparison of Conventional vs. LPGC-MS Pesticides Analysis (LPGC Rtx-5ms 0.53mm ID)
- 200+ Pesticides in Strawberry on Low-Pressure GC Column Kit (LPGC Rtx-5ms 0.53mm ID)
- GC-Amenable Pesticides Regulated by California in Chocolate on LPGC-MS (LPGC Rtx-5ms 0.53mm ID)
- Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS Analysis of QuEChERS Performance Standards (LPGC Rtx-5ms 0.32mm ID)
- Fast Analysis of QuEChERS Performance Standards Kit on LPGC Rtx-5ms (0.32mm ID)
- Nitrosamines on LPGC Rxi-624Sil MS (0.32mm ID)
- Nitrosamines on LPGC Rxi-624Sil MS (0.53mm ID)
- Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS (0.32 mm ID) Analysis of Nitrosamines
- Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS (0.53 mm ID) Analysis of Nitrosamines
- Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS Analysis of Nitrosamines (both)
- Alkylfurans on LPGC Rxi-624Sil MS (0.32mm ID)
- Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS Analysis of Alkylfurans
- Cannabis Terpenes Standard #1 and #2 on LPGC Rxi-624Sil MS
- Fast GC-MS Analysis of 2-MCPD and 3-MCPD on LPGC Rxi-17Sil MS
- Comparison of Conventional and LPGC Analysis of 2-MCPD and 3-MCPD
- Fast GC-MS Analysis of Phthalates on LPGC Rxi-35Sil MS
- Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS Analysis of EPA Regulated Phthalates
- Fast GC-MS Analysis of REACH Carcinogenic Arylamines on LPGC Rxi-35Sil MS
- Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS Analysis of REACH Carcinogenic Arylamines
- Cannabinoid Neutrals 9 Standard on LPGC Rxi-35Sil MS
- Fluorotelomer Alcohols on LPGC Rtx-200
- Comparison of Conventional and LPGC-MS Analysis of Fluorotelomer Alcohols