The Customer’s Voice: How hot do you take your Press-Tight column connectors?
19 Jun 2011Hi there! I know that we frequently solicit your input on the blog, but I’m particularly interested in hearing about your experience with Press-Tight column connectors. I was just surprised by an observation we made in the lab, and I’d like to know if you have had similar experiences!
My summer intern, Elena Woiciechowska, and I were recently doing some experiments that required connecting fused silica GC columns that are rated for high temperature analyses (400 °C). I know that there is a lot of concern surrounding the use of Press-Tight connectors above temperatures around 320 °C, but following some advice I received about an installation technique I wanted to push the Press-Tight envelop (at least with respect to my experience) and see if I could make a robust, leak-free seal that would withstand a wide temperature range and a high maximum oven temperature.
So, with help from one of our seasoned veterans (thank you, Barry!), we made a Press-Tight connection that appeared to be leak-free after approximately 120 thermal cycles from 35 – 380 °C!
I don’t know about you, but frankly, I was surprised. However, the more I thought about it, the less surprised I was.
So, here’s the question. How hot do you take your Press-Tight connectors, and have you ever used them routinely at very high oven temperatures? The follow-up question would be what technique do you use when you make your installation, and do you frequently have problems with them or do you find them easy to install?
We’re going to keep working on this, and we’ll report back with more details, but in the meantime we’d love to hear from you!