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Modern Slavery Statement

Modern slavery includes all types of slavery, servitude, forced labor, and human trafficking. Restek is aware of these growing issues and takes them very seriously. Restek opposes modern slavery in all its forms and has a zero tolerance approach in all parts of its business and supply chain. Restek takes steps to ensure that the organizations in its supply chain are reputable and in compliance with all applicable laws, including those related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Restek is a 100% employee-owned company. It is a leading developer and manufacturer of chromatography columns, sample preparation and collection products, reference standards, and instrument accessories. Restek has direct sales offices in China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and Spain as well as a distribution network serving analysts in over 100 countries across six continents. Restek was established in 1985 and has successfully grown into a global organization with employees around the world. Restek’s global supply chains and diverse suppliers enable it to provide our customers with high quality goods and services.

Steps Restek has taken to combat modern slavery and human trafficking include:

  • An anti-slavery and human trafficking compliance clause is included in supply agreements and contracts.
  • During the new supplier certification process, new suppliers are required to complete a questionnaire that includes a commitment to assess their own operations and supply chain for indications of modern slavery and to take appropriate action if issues are identified.
  • Any suppliers who receive purchase orders from Restek are required to comply with our Terms and Conditions, which include their compliance with modern slavery and human trafficking laws and obligations.
  • Restek periodically does quality audits on key suppliers. The audits include interviews with workers and management, inspection of production facilities, and document reviews. If issues are identified, Restek will require the supplier to immediately improve and resolve the situation. If not completed in a timely manner, the relationship will be reevaluated and possibly terminated.
  • Restek performs an annual review and risk assessment of the sourcing process and current suppliers to ensure it is not sourcing from suspect suppliers or regions.
  • Restek delivers awareness training to all employees across the globe to ensure an understanding of the risk and impact of slavery and human trafficking in its own operations and those of its suppliers.

This statement was approved by the Restek Corporation Board of Directors, and the Board has authorized Bill Arrowsmith (President & CEO) to sign the statement on behalf of Restek Corporation.


Bill Arrowsmith
President & CEO