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TO-Can Air Sampling Canister, 15 L, 1/4" Swagelok SS4H Bellows-Sealed Valve, 2-Port Only, Stainless Steel Only
  1. TO-Can Air Sampling Canister, 15 L, 1/4" Swagelok SS4H Bellows-Sealed Valve, 2-Port Only, Stainless Steel Only

TO-Can Air Sampling Canister, 15 L, 1/4" Swagelok SS4H Bellows-Sealed Valve, 2-Port Only, Stainless Steel Only

カタログ番号 22108

Looking for a cost-effective alternative to canisters for highly contaminated samples, such as soil gas? Our disposable air sampling bottles (cat.# 27264) are housed in a foam-filled protective box to prevent breakage during sampling, transportation, and analysis.

TO-Can Air Sampling Canister, 15 L, 1/4" Swagelok SS4H Bellows-Sealed Valve, 2-Port Only, Stainless Steel Only

TO-Can Air Sampling Canister, 15 L, 1/4" Swagelok SS4H Bellows-Sealed Valve, 2-Port Only, Stainless Steel Only


  • Proprietary electropolished surface that maintains compound stability.
  • High quality, Bellows-design valve.
  • Now also available with new RAVE+ valve.

U.S. EPA Methods TO-14A and TO-15 regulate the collection, storage, and analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using treated air sampling canisters. Restek offers a complete line of TO-Can canisters (SUMMA can equivalent), electropolished using a proprietary process and extensively cleaned using an ultrasonic method. This ensures a high-quality, passivated surface that maintains the stability of TO-14A/TO-15 compounds during storage. The frame surrounds the electropolished canister, eliminating the need for weld marks on the sphere, thereby preventing active sites on the canister. The unique holder attaches the handle and base to the canister without welds and protects the canister, tube stub, and valve. Each canister is slightly pressurized with contaminant-free nitrogen prior to shipment.

Dimensions/Weights of Air Canisters

Can Volume Dimensions: height x sphere diameter Weight
1 liter 8.5 x 5.25" (21.6 x 13.3 cm) 2.25 lbs (1.02 kg)
3 liter 11.5 x 7.25" (29.2 x 18.4 cm) 3.50 lbs (1.59 kg)
6 liter 12.5 x 9.25" (31.8 x 23.5 cm) 5.75 lbs (2.61 kg)
15 liter 17.0 x 12.25" (43.2 x 31.1 cm) 11.75 lbs (5.33 kg)

Do not exceed canister maximum pressure of 40 psig (2.75 bar).


TO-Can Air Sampling Canister, 15 L, 1/4" Swagelok SS4H Bellows-Sealed Valve, 2-Port Only, Stainless Steel Only