Minnesota Ag List 1 Pesticide Kit
Minnesota Ag List 1 Pesticide Kit
Contains 1 mL each of these mixtures.
32406: Minnesota Ag List 1 Pesticides Mix A
Acetochlor (34256-82-1)
Alachlor (15972-60-8)
Atrazine (1912-24-9)
Cyanazine (Bladex) (21725-46-2)
Desethylatrazine (6190-65-4)
Desisopropylatrazine (1007-28-9)
Dimethenamid (87674-68-8)*
Ethalfluralin (55283-68-6)
Metolachlor (51218-45-2)
Metribuzin (21087-64-9)
Pendimethalin (40487-42-1)
Prometon (1610-18-0)
Propachlor (1918-16-7)
Propazine (139-40-2)
Simazine (122-34-9)
Trifluralin (1582-09-8)
32407: Minnesota Ag List 1 Pesticides Mix B
Chlorpyrifos (2921-88-2)
EPTC (759-94-4)
Fonofos (944-22-9)
Phorate (298-02-2)
Terbufos (13071-79-9)
Triallate (2303-17-5)
*Added to Minnesota Department of Agriculture List 1 pesticide (neutrals) incident investigation requirements, effective January 1, 2000.[1] CAS # 87674-68-8 manufactured by several companies under various trade names.
[1] Analytical Lists for Pesticide Incident Investigations, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Guidance Document 26 (3/99), St. Paul, MN. For a copy, visit their website at: www.mda.state.mn.us