Home / Gas Chromatography / GC Columns / GC Fused Silica Capillary Columns / Rtx / Rtx-CLPesticides2 GC Capillary Column, 30 m, 0.32 mm ID, 0.25 µm
Rtx-CLPesticides2 GC Capillary Column, 30 m, 0.32 mm ID, 0.25 µm
  1. Rtx-CLPesticides2 GC Capillary Column, 30 m, 0.32 mm ID, 0.25 µm


Rtx-CLPesticides2 GC Capillary Column, 30 m, 0.32 mm ID, 0.25 µm

Catalog No. 11324
Ordering Note

The certificates of analysis (CofAs) for fused silica, MXT, and PLOT analytical GC columns manufactured after December 2024 will be paperless. After that time, these digital CofAs can be accessed at

Custom lengths and film thicknesses available. Contact Technical Service or your local Restek representative.

Rtx-CLPesticides2 GC Capillary Column, 30 m, 0.32 mm ID, 0.25 µm

Rtx-CLPesticides2 GC Capillary Column, 30 m, 0.32 mm ID, 0.25 µm



Features & Benefits
  • Application-specific columns for organochlorine pesticides and herbicides.
  • Analyze EPA Method 8081B, 8082A, 8151A, 504.1, 515, 508.1, and 552.2 compounds without time-consuming column changes.
  • Low bleed—ideal for high sensitivity GC-ECD or GC-MS analyses.
  • Baseline separations in less than 10 minutes.
  • Temperature Range: -60 to 340 °C (max temperature varies by cat.#).
  • See how our Rtx-CLPesticides columns compare to the competition at

Improved resolution and faster analyses, compared to 1701 or phenyl phases, make these the pesticide columns of choice. Rtx-CLPesticides columns are specially designed to overcome the coelutions and analyte breakdown typically encountered in chlorinated pesticide analyses for EPA Methods 8081, 608, and CLP. By achieving baseline resolution of the 20 target analytes, more accurate qualitative data can be obtained, providing reliable identification without GC-MS.

Column bleed, measured by ECD, is extremely low at temperatures up to 340 °C, which is critical for baking-out the column to remove high-boiling compounds commonly found in pesticide/PCB extracts. An analysis time of less than 10 minutes improves throughput compared to other stationary phases.

Note: Analyzing dirty or derivatized samples can contaminate your column. Restek does not recommend analyzing trace-level pesticide samples following derivatized samples (e.g., Methods 8151A and 552.2) without first performing inlet maintenance. Standard steps include trimming the guard column and changing the inlet liner, O-ring, seal, and septum.


Product Specifications
Catalog No.
Product Name
Rtx-CLPesticides2 GC Capillary Column, 30 m, 0.32 mm ID, 0.25 µm