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D3606A Packed GC Column Set, Configuration for Agilent 6850
  1. D3606A Packed GC Column Set, Configuration for Agilent 6850


D3606A Packed GC Column Set, Configuration for Agilent 6850

Catalog No. 83606A-811
Ordering Note

Custom packed and micropacked columns also available by request.

D3606A Packed GC Column Set, Configuration for Agilent 6850

D3606A Packed GC Column Set, Configuration for Agilent 6850



Features & Benefits
  • Accurate quantification of toluene and benzene—including benzene in gasoline containing ethanol or butanol blends.
  • Complete resolution of benzene from ethanol—no compromising coelutions.
  • Enhanced formulation with improved support material and polymers—more robust and reproducible.
  • Column sets are individually tested for D3606 method applicability.
  • QC test chromatogram includes approximate backflush times.
  • Listed in the ASTM Method D3606—attain better separation of benzene and ethanol while following ASTM method requirements.
  • Exclusively available from Restek. Includes Column 1: backflush column, 6' (1.8 m), 1/8" OD, 2.0 mm ID; Column 2: proprietary packing, 15.5' (4.7 m), 1/8" OD, 2.0 mm ID.

Note: Our current D3606 column set (cat.# 83606A) requires a longer backflush time. Please refer to the QC certificate for the approximate backflush time.


Conforms to the specifications established in the current ASTM method D3606 for the quantitation of benzene and toluene in spark ignition fuel containing ethanol.

The inlet is identified on both column 1 and column 2. Note: The inlet of column 2 is identified for proper orientation for connection to the valve.

Column Configuration Key:
-800 General—General Configuration
-810 Agilent—(HP) 5880, 5890, 5987, 6890, 7890
-811 Agilent 6850
-821 Bruker 430, 450, Varian 3800
-840 PE Auto Sys—PE Auto System 8300/8400/8700, Clarus 500
-850 Shimadzu 14A—Shimadzu 14A, 2014

Other column configurations available.


Product Specifications
Catalog No.
Product Name
D3606A Packed GC Column Set, Configuration for Agilent 6850
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