Restek chemists became the first to combine the speed of superficially porous particles (also known as SPP or "core-shell" particles) with the resolution of highly selective USLC technology. This new breed of chromatographic column allows you to more easily achieve peak separation and faster analysis times with existing HPLC and UHPLC instrumentation.
Stationary Phase Category: bare silica (L3)
Ligand Type: none
Particle: 2.7 µm superficially porous particle (SPP or “core-shell” particle) silica
Pore Size: 90 Å
Carbon Load: n/a
End-Cap: n/a
Surface Area: 130 m2/g
Recommended Usage:
pH Range: 1.0–8.0
Maximum Temperature: 80 °C
Maximum Pressure: 600 bar/8700 psi (2.7 µm)
- Compatible with both HPLC and UHPLC instruments.
- Restek’s 2.7 µm core-shell particles provide the speed of SPP and the performance of Raptor.
Switch to a Raptor HILIC-Si LC column when:
- Increased retention of small polar compounds is needed.
- You want to avoid using ion-pairing reagents.
- You want retention and sensitivity for hydrophilic compounds by LC-MS.