Raptor ARC-18, 2.7 µm, 100 x 2.1 mm HPLC Column
Want even better performance when analyzing metal-sensitive compounds? Check out our inert LC columns.

Raptor ARC-18, 2.7 µm, 100 x 2.1 mm HPLC Column
- Ideal for high-throughput LC-MS/MS applications with minimal sample preparation.
- Well-balanced retention profile for better detection and integration of large, multiclass analyte lists.
- Sterically protected to endure low-pH mobile phases without sacrificing retention or peak quality.
- Part of Restek’s Raptor LC column line featuring 1.8, 2.7, and 5 µm SPP core-shell silica.
Restek chemists became the first to combine the speed of superficially porous particles (also known as SPP or "core-shell" particles) with the resolution of highly selective USLC technology. This new breed of chromatographic column allows you to more easily achieve peak separation and faster analysis times with existing HPLC and UHPLC instrumentation.
Designed and intended specifically for use on LC-MS/MS systems, the Raptor ARC-18 column offers a well-balanced retention profile without the drawbacks of using an ordinary C18 in the harsh, acidic mobile phases needed for mass spectrometry (MS). Even after extended use in these low-pH (≤ 2.0) conditions, the sterically protected ARC-18 offers consistent retention, peak shape, and response for charged bases, neutral acids, small polar compounds, and more. For the rapid analysis of large, multiclass assays by LC-MS/MS, the acid-resistant Raptor ARC-18 column truly is ahead of the curve.
Stationary Phase Category: C18, octadecylsilane (L1)
Ligand Type: Sterically protected C18
Particle: 1.8 µm, 2.7 µm, or 5 µm superficially porous particle (SPP or “core-shell” particle) silica
Pore Size: 90 Å
Carbon Load: 7% (1.8 µm), 7% (2.7 μm), 5% (5 μm)
End-Cap: no
Surface Area: 125 m2/g (1.8 µm), 130 m2/g (2.7 µm), or 100 m2/g (5 µm)
Recommended Usage:
pH Range: 1.0–8.0
Maximum Temperature: 80 °C
Maximum Pressure: 1034 bar/15,000 psi* (1.8 μm), 600 bar/8700 psi (2.7 μm); 400 bar/5800 psi (5 μm)
* For maximum lifetime, recommended maximum pressure for 1.8 μm particles is 830 bar/12,000 psi.
- Well-balanced retention profile.
- Sterically protected and acid resistant to resist harsh, low-pH mobile phases.
- Ideal for use with sensitive detectors like mass spec.
Switch to an ARC-18 column when:
- You are analyzing large, multiclass lists by LC-MS/MS.
- Strongly acidic (pH 1–3) mobile phases are required.