
Restek at Gulf Coast Conference 2023


10-11 October, Galveston, TX

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ASTM D3606 Capillary Options: Products and Tips for Getting Started

Tuesday, October 10
Jan Pijpelink (presenter), Erica Pack
Restek Corporation 

ASTM method D3606 is used to separate benzene and toluene in spark ignition fuels. Analysts may use capillary (option A) or packed (option B ) columns for this method. The capillary option uses two columns connected in a series, where the first column is nonpolar dimethylpolysiloxane phase (Rxi-1ms, cat# 13338) and the second is a polar "wax" phase (Stabilwax, cat.# 10657 ) column. After toluene is eluted from the first column, the first column is backflushed while an auxiliary EPC maintains flow through the second column. The complicated setup associated with the ASTM D3606 capillary option may make the method unappealing, but the results show excellent separation of target analytes. We used Restek’s Rxi-1ms and Stabilwax to separate target analytes in D3606 standard 8.5.2 and a sample of gasoline and generated helpful tips for getting started and troubleshooting this method. Future work may consider performance of this column set for a full method validation and potential limitations.

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Rapid Method Development and Optimization for Gas Chromatography Using Pro EZGC–a Free Web-Based Software

Tuesday, October 10
Jan Pijpelink (presenter), Erica Pack
Restek Corporation

Green and sustainable material manufacturing is dependent on the resources available to monitor emissions and effluent from the manufacturing process. Gas chromatography (GC) is frequently used to monitor material purity, contamination, and emissions in samples, such as air, water, soil, and in-line production materials. Method development and modification requires time and resources that could otherwise be dedicated to data analysis and interpretation. Restek’s free Pro EZGC platform uses proprietary thermodynamic models to predict analyte retention on various GC column phases, dimensions, program conditions, and detectors. Accuracy of chromatographic models was challenged under a variety of changing conditions including column flow, dimensions, oven program, and carrier gas, and consistently demonstrated accuracy in elution order and retention time within 0.5 min or 10% of the empirically determined value. The software is shown to be capable of modeling absorption and adsorption- based chromatography conditions. Results provide solutions that help labs rapidly develop and optimize methods for separating and identifying known and emerging pollutants or contaminants. In addition, Pro EZGC facilitates rapid implementation of green changes in environmental monitoring, such as alternative carrier gas options, reducing method runtime, and reducing energy requirements related to instrument operation.

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Improve Your Linear Alpha Olefins (LAO) Impurity Analysis with Restek’s New Rxi-LAO GC Columns

Tuesday, October 10
Jan Pijpelink (presenter), Corby Hilliard
Restek Corporation

As worldwide demand for polyethylene increases, so does the pressure on labs performing linear alpha olefins (LAO) impurity analysis. Restek’s Rxi-LAO columns are the first GC columns specifically applicated for the impurity analysis of LAOs. The unique selectivity provides high resolution, separating impurities from peaks of interest, such as 1-hexene and 1-octene. Herein the Rxi-LAO column was evaluated for selectivity and resolution of peaks of interest. A stringent quality control test was also developed to ensure column robustness and column-to-column reproducibility. As a result, the Rxi-LAO demonstrates high selectivity, resolution, and robustness to meet the high throughput needs of labs running the LAO analysis. Two column dimensions are available, with options for one-column and two-column configurations.  The one-column method provides substantial benefits compared to two-column methods, including a simpler setup, increased instrument uptime, and higher sample throughput. Rxi-LAO columns are also fully supported by our Pro EZGC chromatogram modeler, allowing labs to optimize their LAO analysis quickly and easily.

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