Getting Started / Orders / Order History
Order History
Order History, Order Status, and Shipment Information
Note: order history and tracking are only available to users with a business account. To access these features, please verify an existing business account or apply for a new account with Restek.
My Orders & Account Orders
What is the difference between “My Orders” and “Account Orders”?
- The “My Orders” section of the “Orders” page will show all orders that you, personally, have placed online.
- The “Account Orders” section will include details for all orders on your business account. This includes orders placed by other users of your account and orders that were not placed online (i.e., phone, email, e-procurement platform, etc.).
Where can I find order updates or shipment information?
- Click on the “Order Number” or “Track Order” to find detailed information on your order.
Order Details:
Your order details page will provide you with real-time updates about your orders. Here you can find these details:
- Your order status.
- Shipment and tracking information.
- Estimated ship dates.
In addition, you can do the following:
- Find invoices related to your order.
- Print a copy of your order details.
- Reorder items from a previously placed order.
- Build a purchase list with items from a previously placed order.