The following patents and trademarks are the property of Restek Corporation. Other trademarks appearing in Restek® literature or on its website are the property of their respective owners. Restek® registered trademarks are registered in the U.S. and may also be registered in other countries.
The following Restek® products and/or processes, as identified by trademark, are protected under patent laws or covered by pending patent applications.
Dual Vespel® Ring Inlet Seals
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Accelerator™ Allure® Aura™ Alumaseal® CarboFrit® CarboPrep® Crossbond® Cyclosplitter™ DiatoSorb® EZGC® EZ No-Vent® EZ Twist Top® Flip Seal® Force™ Hydroguard® Integra-Gap® Integra-Guard® MegaMix® |
MXT® Pinnacle® Precision® Press-Tight® Pro EZGC® Pro EZLC® Q-sep® Raptor® RAVE™ RAVEn™ RAVE+™ Resprep® Res-Sil® Restek® Revive® Roc® Rt® REZIN™ |
Rtx® Rxi® SeCure® SilcoCan® Silcoport® SilcoSmooth® Stabilwax® Stx® Thermolite® TO-Can® Topaz® Turning Visions into Reality® Ultra Selective Liquid Chromatography™ Uniliner® USLC® Vu2 Union® XTI® |